We are very familiar with international shipping Laws & Practice

We not only have an extremely thorough and comprehensive knowledge of P&I Insurance and related matters but, at the same time, we are very familiar with international shipping Laws & Practice, as well as the technical and operational environment of the global shipping industry.
This combination of talents makes First the ideal partner to help understand, and to quickly and efficiently solve, the difficulties encountered by Ship-Owners, Charterers and Operators every day.

Alberto Ferrari
Ph. +30 69 347 70 300 Mail: [email protected]
Alexandra Angelaki
Ph. +30 210 610 6630 Mail:
[email protected]
Mihalis Piperakis
Ph. +30 210 610 6630 Mail: [email protected]
Vittorio De Gaspari
Ph. +30 694 4466 550 Mail: [email protected]
Maria Partsinevelou
Ph. +30 210 610 6630 Mail:
[email protected]